Digital and Traditional Artist

Hi there! I'm a 25-year-old artist working with many mediums. I mostly specialise in character design. I enjoy experimenting with my style, and never want to be stuck in one place with my creativity; I am always up for a challenge.Queer, bodypositive and creativeThank you for supporting me and taking an interest in my art!



Life gets hectic sometimes; big changes, finances, full-time jobs, family issues, taking care of your house, etc. Because of that, I've gone on a three-year-long hiatus. My favorite hobby had to be pushed aside to make room for urgent duties. Thankfully, the spark has never been extinguished. If you think that there's never enough time for the things that you love, think twice and give yourself the time. You deserve it.


Being forced to stay indoors for most of the year has its own pros. One of them is productivity! Some of us have picked up new languages, some (like me) have started working harder on our skills and some of us are completing their gaming and watch lists. And every way of surviving the pandemy is valid, as long as we're all staying safe (and emptying our pantries along the way).


2019 was a crazy year for me, from the beginning to the end. I've made a lot of progress and made it my goal to draw persistently and produce at least one artwork each month. My commissions were open for the whole year!


This is when I finished school and started practicing digital art a lot more. You can see my style changing quite a bit, still searching for the factors that make my art... mine. And to this day, I am still searching!


I remember always being an artistic child. To the annoyance of my parents, grandparents, and other adults. I would cover anything I possibly could with doodles, characters, flowers, or just chaotic lines. I remember my parents getting me a pencil set one day for Christmas, and then for Easter, I got my first colored pencil set for artists. I quickly started drawing portraits; first of my idols and friends, slowly experiencing with the anime style and building up to designing my own characters based on book descriptions. I still dearly hold onto all my old artistic creations. I love tickling my own pickle while looking at the progress I've made throughout all these years. Remember that everyone progresses at a different pace and it's okay to take a longer time than other people your age. And that goes for anything! It's not about the time, it's not about the final result - it's the skills you pick up along the way and the enjoyment of creating and having fun. Enjoy looking through these! (for entertainment purposes mainly, not the proudest works in my portfolio)


WARNING!! Below you will find NSFW content. If you are underage or for any reason don't want to be here - please click the button below to go back to my SFW portfolio. Thank you!

I must be completely honest - I'd have never thought that I would ever be producing NSFW art. But thanks to my wonderful friend - imprez, I've discovered the joy in creating body-positive and kink-positive artworks. I remember how validating it was for me to see people the same size as me portrayed in a beautiful, artistic way; having fun with their sexuality and not stressing over their appearances. That's the main reason why I will continue creating NSFW art, to give people the same feeling of validation and representation as I've experienced before. Here I also want to thank few artists who have been a big inspiration to me: Octoplum, moxie.saturday, Vylirium, INAX, Nickie Charles and Bloozchicken. Thank you so much for empowering people all around the world!
Without further ado, here are my NSFW examples :)


Listed below are not exact prices, those are only brackets. Prices change depending on the complexity, details, backgrounds, amount of characters on the image etc.
When ordering more images, I apply discounts. Please contact me to receive a personalized offer.
If you have a specific request that you'd like to ask for but you don't see it specified here - please message me.
Scroll to the bottom of this document for ways of contacting me.
This category is for characters that already exist. If you want me to design a character for you, contact me and we will negotiate the pricing.

Commissions are OPEN
Art trades are OPEN
Free requests are CLOSED


please keep in mind that these prices are for lineart artwork, painterly style is priced differently; [contact me](#contact) to learn more



15 USD


Headshot 25 USD | Bust 30 USD

-half body-

Half body 35 USD

-full body-

Full body 45 USD


Head/Bust 20 USD | Half Body 23 USD | Full Body 25 USD

pixel art

16x16 15 USD | 24x24 20 USD | 32x32 25 USD | other from 15 USD


-still emotes-

One emote 17 USD | Set of 2 32 USD | Set of 3+ 15 USD per piece

-animated emotes-

Animate an existing emote 25 USD
One emote 30 USD | Set of 2 55 USD | Set of 3 80 USD


This category holds everything that hasn't been mentioned above (linearts, flat colors,
cel shading, reference sheets, character design, painterly style); contact me for more details.


please keep in mind that these prices are for **digital version only** (i will send you a set of photographs of the drawing; if you wish to have me ship the drawing/painting, [contact me](#contact) while ordering and please specify that fact, the price will change because of the addition of preferable method of shipment

pencil drawing

A4 format from 30 USD | A3 format from 50 USD
Bigger/smaller formats available upon request

acrylic painting

Cardstock painting (A5) from 35 USD | Stretched canvas (A5) from 50 USD
Bigger/smaller formats available upon request


This category holds everything that hasn't been mentioned above (marker art, fully inked art, envelope+paper decoration etc.); contact me for more details.



-Twitch/discord/other panels-

Panel 17 USD | Set of 2 - 32 USD | Set of 3+ 15 USD per piece


Banner 20 USD | Set of 2 - 38 USD | Set of 3+ 18 USD per piece

-twitch scenes/overlays-

Scene/overlay 25 USD | Set of 2 - 48 USD | Set of 3+ 22 USD per piece

commission sheets

Simple commission sheet (compiling pre-made assets) 20 USD
Drawn body can be requested for additional payment

twitch set

By purchasing a full twitch set you get:1x avatar/icon
1x banner
4x panel + extra one (with credit)
3x scenes
1x overlay/webcam frame (can exchange for one extra scene)


All elements are fully customisable and you're saving more than 20%*

*full price for all of these elements bought separately is 193USD


This category holds everything that hasn't been mentioned above (custom elements for games, webcam frames, labels etc.); contact me for more details.


Before commissioning me, please make sure to read everything below so we both know what you are agreeing to. If you have requested an order, this means you have read, understood, and agreed to my terms. By commissioning me, you automatically agree to my Terms of Service and are obligated to follow them. Violating or disregarding my rules may end up with cancellation of commissions, no refund (if applicable), and in serious instances, banned from my services. With that out of the way, here are my terms of service!


1. By messaging me and requesting an order, I understand that you have read these Terms of Service.2. Clearly state your request, send me any references you think will be useful, and provide any information that might make my job easier. The more information you offer, the fewer questions I will ask to clarify your instructions = the faster my job will be. You can find ways to contact me at the contact section. What kind of references can you send? Check this guide.3. Remember that I believe in artistic freedom so don't order a redraw of something exactly as it is. It is called tracing and is considered a theft, so I won't copy an existing image 1:1 but will add my own style to it.4. There are things that I will draw and things that are completely out of my comfort zone and I have a right to refuse your commission beforehand. Before requesting, please read these points below and make sure your request is acceptable for me to draw/do.

What can I draw/do?

Characters based on descriptions/pictures, real people based on photos, animals and creatures, NSFW (acts, nudity, some kinks, blood, scars), photomanipulation/graphic design, other (ask if unsure)

What I won't draw/do?

Rape, abuse (with the exception of fighting scenes and/or acts of defense), self-harm acts, gore, animal cruelty (including zoophilia/bestiality), underaged looking characters, pedophilia, hebephilia, politically incorrect themes (LGBTQ+ hate content, racism, misogyny)

What I am not experienced with drawing yet, but am willing to try:

Intricate backgrounds, anthro/furry characters

5. State your budget and deadline. I always give myself maximum of two weeks to finish your commission. If I think that your commission might be too complicated or big to be finished in two weeks, or for any personal reason I need more time – I will inform you. The stricter the deadline you request, the higher the cost will be. My ETA for simple artworks is 2-5 working days6. I will create a sketch for you before payment where possible. A rough sketch with a watermark, sent in a lower quality than the original image. That’s for you to know how (roughly) the piece will look like, and for me to make my artwork easier to finish. This is a very important step; we will talk about possible changes to the sketch and discuss the color palette/details. After the payment has been received and I will start my work, you are up for one free major revision. For more information about revisions, check section "Cancellations and Revisions"


7. After my rough sketch, I will ask you to send the payment. I accept mostly paypal. In special cases, we can agree for an alternative form of payment. All of my prices are calculated into USD.8. The price is calculated by me. Minimum order amount is 15 USD. For bigger orders I provide discounts. There is no negotiating of the price. For detailed commission information and the prices, click here.9. I mostly accept payment beforehand, but you may ask for a half and half payment (only applicable for orders above 100USD). If you choose half and half payment, you won't get the full-size artwork/set without me receiving the second half of the payment. If you are not willing to send me the second half, your commission will be cancelled and the first half will not be refunded. We can also agree on a payment plan, if the commission will be longer/more expensive.10. After I receive your payment, I will start to work. I always send updates during the creation process, this way you see the actual state of your commission and can request minor revisions. That's why my preferred method of conversation during the commission is Discord. You can find my personal information in the contact section.11. When I finish the commission, I've received the full payment and got your approval - I will send you the full-sized commissioned artwork. For artworks and single images, I use, for twitch sets and sets of images - I compress them in a folder and send to you either straight through discord or upload it to a Google Drive cloud. You may also request me to receive the commissioned images via e-mail. After that, the commission is considered finished.


12. During the sketch phase you are allowed to ask me to do as many changes as you want. But, if I feel like you're starting to ask for too much detail and abusing this privilege, I am allowed not to modify it further and refuse your commission. We are looking to create a rough idea, therefore applying too many details might end up in additional charges.13. After the payment, you are allowed to one major revision. Something like changing the shape of the character's hair, changing the color of any element after it's been shaded - generally anything major that will take me extra time to change. Every next revision, will cost you up from 5 USD.14. I have the right to refuse a revision. This happens very rarely and I will let you know why I believe the change shouldn't be made. Remember that I am here to bring your idea to life and also make it look presentable!15. The cancellation is allowed only in these situations:
a) Commissioner can cancel their order before the payment for any reason,
b) Commissioner can cancel their order after the payment with partial refund (depends on the progress),
c) I can cancel the commission at any time - with or without a refund.
I don't cancel commissions for no reason. If I do, it must be either because the commissioner was violating my terms, when the commissioner is acting inappropriately or something unexpected happens (for some reason I am not able to finish the commission).


14. As the artist, I have the full right to the artwork, as such I am able to use the commissioned drawing itself as (but not limited to) posting the art on my social media, including the piece in art portfolios, etc. (with proper watermarks). I won't be reselling it or allowing other people to download the same version you have (unwatermarked) unless specified.15. The commissioner is allowed to use the commissioned art for their personal use (avatar, banner, twitch channel screens or panels, youtube videos etc.) with proper credit. No need to credit me for offline media (wallpaper, screensaver, print).16. The commissioner is not allowed to delete my signature or my watermark off the artwork. This will be reported and will not be tolerated.17. The commissioner is not allowed to edit, trace, steal or claim the commissioned artwork as their own.19. Commissioner is not allowed to redistribute, reproduce, make merchandise of, or otherwise profit from the commissioned artwork whether for real or digital currency. My work is not to be used for monetary gain unless we have come to an agreement for commercial use.20. Commercial use commissions are priced at +100% of the base price.21. Main and most important rule - be respectful and nice! And that goes for all artists out there and anyone who is offering services for you. We really appreciate kindness!


Reference is any piece of information that will help your artist to portray your vision better!

What can be a reference?

It depends on what you want to get. If you want to order a portrait of yourself or someone else, you should have at least one photo of that person. Preferably you should send more than one, so I can see different features, shapes, their facial expressions etc. When choosing your photos, try to pick the best ones. The better the quality - the more precise my artwork will be. The same rule applies to any other things like landscapes, objects, etc.

credit: Aurora Aksnes

If you want to get a drawing of your character, your references can be a good and detailed description, artworks of that character or some inspirational photos/pictures that you want to base your character off of. And it does not only mean their physical appearance, but also mention their character, how they treat other people and what outlook do they have on life. It's very useful when coming up with the __pose __(unless you provide a pose for your character to be drawn in). The same thing applies to any other things like landscapes, objects etc.

Her body is rather slim, she's 159cm (5'2") and weighs around 60kg (132 lbs). Her face is a little round with a pointy chin. She has big green eyes and plump lips, also a small, round nose. Her eyebrows are rather straight, she fills them in with a bit of charcoal powder. She gets really blushy when embarrassed. Her hair is wavy/lightly curly, black at the base and gradiently changing into white; usually tied up partially. She loves vintage clothes, especially corsets.

credit: Margrise - Lukrecja and pinterest

If you are going to commission a graphic design piece of any kind, prepare something that inspires you. Combine images that you've found of other creators or a "mood board" as well as a description of the contents you'd want it to have.

credit: Margriset

Basically, the more you can provide - the better. I am here to make your idea come to life!

Thank you for reading through all of my terms, now you are ready to order!


I greatly enjoy character design! I wish I could adopts all of my designs but I am already struggling with my few OC's, so I decided to sell them! Here are already premade designs, mostly from my project:specimen. If you are interested in a custom character design - hit me up!

#1 Ginny - ON SALE: 10USD


#2 Jamie - ON SALE: 10USD


#3 Sammy - ON SALE: 10USD


#4 Lainie - ON SALE: 10USD


SOLD #5 Maxie - SB: 10USD

#6 Fran - ON SALE: 10USD


SOLD Angelica - 7USD

Contact me!

[email protected]
Business inquiries

You can also find me on the below Discord server

Thank you for visiting, see you soon!